Saturday, December 6, 2008

hmmmmmm...somebody stold my snow!!!

Well, our snow day was an excellent idea and we had a lot of our closest peeps interested except for one small detail.......the lack of the abundance of snow. :o) Even tho there was a little on the ground, we are thinking there needs to be a "be able to make a snow angel" amount to make it worthwhile. Ironically, later in the day the flakes started to fall and so we combined the snow with some "outside at night to show the lights" with my beautiful daughter Leslie. Here are some of the images from that. Fun fun fun!

Friday, December 5, 2008

SNOW DAY tomorrow!!!!!!

Your wish is granted! Dunlap Photography will be creating awesome images playing in the snow, either by yourself or with your group of friends! Meet us in the Minerva High School parking lot at 10 a.m. TOMORROW (Saturday, December 5) to frolic in the snow!

There is a $10 session fee per person. Please call the studio (330.868.6091) and leave a message on the machine to let us know if you are coming and how many in your group. You will be able to order from the images we create online.

PRIZE! At 10:15, we will give away a special prize to the largest group in attendance -- so rally up the crew!

$10 per person in the photograph
your hat, mittens, scarves, furry coats, and if you wanna get crazy, bring a sled or something ... use your imagination! See you tomorrow!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sun????? Who needs the sun...or dry weather...or.....

SO....there we was was dark....the wind was blowing.....and I said "Hey... let's go outside!!"
We were on our way to the Loft and decided to play a bit. Brooke was a real sport and braved the cold and rain for this AWESOME image. It was great fun playing outside at night, and as it turns out, the Christmas lights reflecting off the wet pavement was a plus, too. So....just in case you were thinking that it was too yucky to go outside...think outside the box and have some fun while you are at it!