Sunday, November 16, 2008


I looked outside this morning and was like woooo hooooooo somebody shook up the snowglobe! Too bad none of it stuck on the ground here. I am really looking forward to the holiday season. It always fills the air with hope and Christmas music rocks. period.
Minerva had their Key Club dance last night and it seemed like everyone had a really great time. We were in the lower level of the place with the dance floor right above us and the fixtures were rockin most of the evening! Congrats to the Addie Riley Jobes (Thats a combo of their names Addie Riley \ Riley Jobes ) on being King and Queen. Pix are online of everyone dancing and huggin and stuff.
Useless factoid of the day? Sure I have one. Just checked the pix-o-meter ( not the real name of the counter, but it should be) on my camera, and in the 12 months that I have had it, I have taken 83,300 images. finger is so tired now. It needs a finger nap.

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