We have the pleasure of knowing Scott Bernard, originally from Carrollton and now, well, he is definitely a world traveler. When I mentioned to him that I had only been to one other country (Canada -and really, can we count that as another country?) he said that he had only been to 32 countries....not nearly all of them. WOW.
Anyway, he is giving his house in Florida away. Technically, he is having a coloring contest for it. There is a $50 entry fee, you color the dancers, and .... if you're lucky you get the house. He has been featured in the New York Times and recently did an interview with a newspaper from Berlin, and he forwarded me a copy of the article and by golly, there is the photograph that we did for him along with a photo byline....IN A GERMAN PAPER! Strangely, my name is the same in English as it is in German...who knew? Scott is magician and does corporate magic all of the world. Verrry cool. His websites are www.experience5.com for his magic and www.howtowinmyhouse.com if you wanna take a shot at it!
1 comment:
That is really cool Terry! I wonder what other countries or cool places your pictures have made it to....
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